What is behind all this?

You will find on this site iconsets that based on the Eclipse "User Interface Guidelines" and that mainly relate to the healthcare sector.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Iconset "payment"

shopping cart, put in shopping cart, money, get money, banknote, new banknote

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Iconset "tests"

test script, test case, test validation point, test step, test step 2, debug, report, new column, edit column, delete colum

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Iconset "consent"

consent, read consent, set consent, remove consent

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Iconset "user"

user, new user, login, logout, white user, new user white, login white , logout white,admin, new admin, user(pl), organisation, new organisation, organisations, password, change password

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Iconset "logs"

event log, clear event log, connector log, clear connector log, event, subscribe event, unsubscribe event, apdu log

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Iconset "filetypes"

prescription: new, delete, write, read, signed, write signed, read signed, dispensed, incompatibility
patientfolder, new patientfolder, search patientfolder, date, delete date
emergency data: new, write, read, signed
medication history: new delete, write, read
diagnose, new diagnose, note, new note, receipt, certificate, testtag, read testtag, emergency, workstation

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Iconset "pharmaceuticals"

pharmaceutical, pharmaceuticals, new pharmaceutical, search pharmaceutical, substitute, dispens, check medication history, clear medication history check, medication history check result: ok, warning, error

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Iconset "cards"

ehc: write, read, plug, eject, focused(selected)
hpc: write, read, plug, eject, focused(selected)
smc: write, read, plug, eject, focused(selected)
kvk: write, read, plug, eject
unknown card, pharmacist hpc, ehic, sim
cards, pluged cards, stored cards, authorise smc

Iconset "terminals"

card terminal, card terminals, insert card, reject card, pin, unlock pin

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Iconset "messages"

mail server, receive letter, inbox, draftbox, send letter, outbox, sendbox, letter, new letter, delete letter, letters, message account, new message account, xml letter, new xml letter, doctors letter, new doctors letter, red hand letter, new red hand letter, contact, new contact, delete contact, attachment, new attachment, delete attachment, very height prio letter, height prio letter, normal prio letter, low prio letter

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Iconset "extended actions"

search, text search, file search, open file, filter, delete filter, validate, validate, signature, sign, connect, connected, step

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Iconset "insurant"

insurant, new insurant, refresh insurant, read insurant data, compare insurants, insurants

Friday, January 21, 2011

Iconset "state"

insurant-state, pin-state, error, warning, info, help, online status: online, offline, unknown, priority: veryheight, height, normal, low, bullet, connector status: online, limited, offline, unknown

Monday, January 17, 2011

Iconset "careprovider"

Careprovider, new CP, refresh CP, assign CP, attending CP, surgeon

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Iconset "simple actions"

read, get, write, set, send, receive, refresh, compare, new, delete, add, remove, search, validate

What's the Blog about?

I worked on a project, where they produce specifications for the healthcare sector. Actually I developed Prototype-Server-Applications for this specifications, but for demonstration use we also developed a simple  fronendapplication. This application based on Eclipse RCP.

I don't liked the icons that ware used for the fronendapplication. Because there exists no complet icon set for the spezial needs, the iconstyle was totaly mixed up. Thats why (and even because I have fun doing it) I decide to creat a complet icon set by my own. It was necessary that the standart Eclipse icons can smoothly be combined withe the new one. So I attempt to fit the icons to the Eclipse "User Interface Guidelines".

Because of complex circumstances (it would go too far, to discribe them) the demonstrations ware stopped, so nobody need the icons any more. For me it was pity that now the icons waren't used anywhere. Thats why i decide to publish the Icons this way. And parhapse there is somebody out ther, who have a Eclipse RCP project and is looking for some Eclipse fitting icons, someone who need icons for a healthcare-application or wath ever...